Katakana Part 1

You need to know the following Katakana characters for this test.

ア イ ウ エ オ カ キ ク ケ コ サ シ ス セ ソ

There are 15 questions.

Each question asks you to type the sound of the Katakana character using English alphabets (=Romaji).

Here are examples:

The answer for ア is 'a'.

The answer for コ is 'ko'.


The grade you can get for this test:

> A = Finish and pass within 1 miniute

> B = Finish and pass within 3 minutes

> C = Finish and pass within 5 minutes

> D = Finish and pass within 7 minutes

> E = Did not start this test, finished but failed, finished and passed over 7 minutes