Official Observer Exam 2022

Purpose of this exam;

This exam will allow you to qualify as an Official Observer (OO) in Australia. 

To become an OO you must be a member of Gliding Australia and over 16 years of age.

Number of Questions;

You will need to attempt 10 questions.

The Pass Mark is 100%.

This is not easy to achieve without a good knowledge of the latest versions of the relevant documents. Since this test has been online analysis shows that most incorrect answers are based on "How things used to be"

To read and understand the updated information and pass the test could take 2 to 3 hours of your time.

Information to help you pass the test is on the IGC (Gliding) section of the FAI Documents page. You need to select Current Sporting Code for gliding to download both the Sporting Code Section 3 and Pilot guide Annex C. 

If you have a problem with the exam, please contact Beryl Hartley at:

Once you pass the test you will be emailed a certificate which you should download so that you can upload it to your profile in the Gliding Australia JustGo membership system as a new Credential.