SNS Automotive Robotics Test: 1

Time limit for the exam: 36 minutes

Read the instruction carefully before giving the test:

Assessment Name: Automotive Robotics Test: 1

Other Information:

  1. For each correct answer, you will be 1 mark and for every incorrect and unanswered question, you will get 0 marks.
  2. No negative marking is there in the whole exam.
  3. Once attempted, the answer can not be changed.
  4. The skip button only skips the current question and not the whole test.
  5. You can skip one question at a time i.e., skipping more than 1 question is not allowed.
  6. You are allowed the give the exam only once.
  7. Every attempted question will be highlighted.
  8. Every un-attempted will not be highlighted.
  9. You can not submit the unanswered questions you can only skip that question.
  10. For the last Question:
    1. If you have attempted the question click SKIP after answering.
    2. Even if you have not answered the question still click SKIP to submit the test.