FreeAgent Accountant Re-Accreditation Exam

Time limit for the exam: 1 hour

This is an open-book exam.

If you're not sure of an answer...

You can check it in a FreeAgent account You can look it up in the knowledge base

But you can't phone us for help!

This is a timed exam (60 minutes) and the pass mark is 80%.

Multiple choice questions are right or wrong and you get one mark for a right answer, no marks for a wrong answer and no marks if you don't give an answer at all.  For multiple line questions you get one mark for every correct answer you choose, but choosing a wrong answer in these questions doesn't lose you a mark.

If you're not sure about the answer to a question - press the 'Skip' button to move on to the next one. You'll get the chance to try that question again at the end of the exam.

The exam has 15 questions altogether.

Please fill in your details below, then click the 'Start' button to get started!