Online Exams/tests with certification
Online exams with certification is an easy way to reward users. Exams with certificates are becoming very popular. Just with one click, you can give a certificate to your participants.
You remember the first time getting a swim diploma. Or the certificate you got when you passed high school. These are all moments you got rewarded with a certificate. It was the icing on the cake and an extra motivation for succeeding the exam. Now you’re thinking about the work it has to be creating and handing out all those certificates. Not anymore! We have the solution for this problem. A completely automated certification.
Create a certificate for your test
There are many possibilities with creating a certificate. You can upload your own certificate, in case you have one. But it’s also possible to use one of our predefined certificates. This saves a lot of time, which is always a plus! You can choose your own background, choose from different formats and you even add your own logo. Adding your own logo on a certificate, how professional looks that? J
An example for a certificate may be: name of the exam, name of the participant and the date they earned the certificate. Besides that, you can even add the score of the exam, which all will be automatically of course!
When and how will people get their certificate
You can set rules yourself when participants will get their certificate. For example when participants get a minimum percentage of 60 right, the will get a certificate. You can have your participants download the certificate or send the certificate via email.
So, no more time to waste for handing out all certificates and still make people happy by sending them a certificate. Less work for you and still make people happy and stay motivated. What’s better than that?
Online exams with certification is an easy way to reward users. Exams with certificates are becoming very popular. Just with one click, you can give a certificate to your participants.
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